About Us
We, at Medbits believe that Artificial Intelligence, if used correctly, could solve several problems of the
healthcare sector.
Our mission is to utilise this opportunity and provide better healthcare to everyone by using the power of

Artificial Intelligence driven healthcare is the future!
The recent advancements made in the field of AI has opened the door for immense possibilities in the Healthcare domain and companies are working towards adopting the latest technology.
We also believe that new technologies especially AI can play a vital role in making the healthcare more accessible and personalised. Some of the places where AI is extensively used in Medibits are:
- Converting the pathology reports to smart reports.
- Getting details of each and every parameter present in the pathology report.
- Providing personalised healthcare to our users.
Medibits Features

Report vault
Save your pathology reports in our secure cloud using your mobile device and access it from anywhere.
Smart reports
Convert your less comprehensible pathology reports to smart reports using our proprietary AI technology.
Know your report vitals
Get knowledge about each and every vital/parameter mentioned in your report.
Symptom checker
Use our proprietary symptom checker to know probable diseases by selecting observed symptoms.
What exactly is a smart pathology report?
Smart report is a digital and more comprehensible view of your dull pdf pathology report.
When a user uploads their report using the Medibits mobile app, the report is passed to our backend system which runs an AI based algorithm to convert the pdf report to a smart report.
In few seconds, user is able to see an upgraded version of the same report that they uploaded initially. In addition to the smart report, user can also access their original report to see the annotations and can do a comparison in case required. The smart report conversion is very quick and users can access the smart report almost instantly.

Smart report features
Easy to access and easy to comprehend report with all the parameters listed on the same UI which can be accessed by just scrolling.
Red and green colour coding for the parameters which are in and out of their respective Bio reference intervals. Use easy filtering to see paramters with low, high and abnormal values.
Access the original report from the same UI. See the individual parameters highlighted in the original report and cross verify in case needed.
Parameter details on the go
Read about the individual parameters mentioned in the report and understand them in a better way.
Get knowledge about your parameters in your own native lanugage.
Click on the different cards on the parameter details page to know about its significance, food and exercise recommendations to keep the parameter in check. Also know about the impact of low and high value of the parameter on your health.

Your first step towards Smart Healthcare
We are currently available on Google Play Store, click the button to download the app.
More Features
Some of the other useful features of our app are:
Secure vault
A secure cloud based vault to store the pathology reports using industry best practises.
Multiple languages
Users can read about parameters in their own nativa language. We currently support parameter details in top eight Indian languages.
Disease details
A collection of details about the most prevalent diseases in India. Read about their causes, symptoms and diagnosis details.
Knowledge Base
Knowledge base of top 50 pathology reports and their vitals. Read about the individual reports and their parameters.
Our Mission
AI assisted
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the most commonly asked questions are listed in the below section
What is a smart pathology report?
A smart report is a digital representation of a pathology report which is easy to understand and comprehend. It shows you much more details than a simple pdf based pathology report.
Can a smart report be wrong or show inaccurate data?
There is a very low probability that a smart report can be wrong but as smart report is a result of Machine learning algorithm, so sometimes it could miss few data points for the data it has not been trained on.
Is my data safe with Medibits?
Absolutely. Medibits uses secure cloud vault to save your data and uses best industry practises to keep it secure. Data is encrypted at rest and cannot be accessed without authentication.
Can Medibits track me if I upload my pathology report?
The clear answer is No. A pathology report in India only contains Patient's name and age in terms of personal information so it is close to impossible to track an individual using their pathology report only. Also Medibits does not collect any personal information more that your email id, so it is almost impossible to track.
Do I need to create separate account for each of the family member?
No. Medibits app has a feature to create different profiles under one parent/login user which can be used to create individual profiles for family members. Data of individual profiles remains in isolation with respect to each other.
Can Medibits convert any of the pathology report to a smart report?
Yes, Medibits can convert any of the pathology report which is in pdf format to smart report.
How long does it take to convert a normal pathology report to a smart report?
Generally, it should not take more than few seconds to convert but the time could vary depending upon the type of the uploaded report and number of pages in the report.
Our users love using Medibits app and it reflects in their comments and reviews. Some of the early reviews are highlighted below.
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